Grace Themes
Forum Replies Created
Grace Themes
MemberHi Chris,
To change the position of the Slider Image Title and Description to downward
Go to the Appearance -> Theme Options -> Basic Settings -> Custom CSS
and use below css code in custom css box.nivo-caption { bottom:10%; }
The default value is 30%, you can change the size as per your need.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Pejhmon
We have updated Business Growth PRO theme to support new Font Awesome icons. Now you can use new “fa-bath” and “fa-shower” icons.
I have send the updated theme via email. Please check your email.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Pascale
You can use the custom header image by making some changes in custom-header.php file
Go to the Appearance -> Editor -> custom-header.php
at line no. 38 find .innerbanner123 and replace with .header
.header{ background: url(<?php echo get_header_image(); ?>) no-repeat #111; background-position: center top; }
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
As per your requirement the changes has been completed in your website.
I have created 15 sidebar to use widgets
sidebar1, sidebar2, sidebar2, sidebar4, sidebar5 ………………. sidebar15Now add / edit the page and select ‘Extra Sidebar’ Page Template from right side
In Expert section type sidebar1 (the sidebar which you want to use)You can create as many pages like this and use sidebar1 or sidebar2 ……… sidebar15 in Excerpt section (should be in small letter)
Also please select ‘Extra Sidebar’ Page Template if you want to use some extra sidebar .Please check your website. The detailed documentation is also send on your mail id.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
Can you please send WordPress admin login details of your website for temporary at [email protected] so we can check and solve your problem regarding Contact Form 7 Plugin
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Pascale,
The custom header is not worked with PRO theme. You can change the background color of header from Basic Settings of Theme Options panel.
If you want to use custom header images as like the free theme, please send your website URL and WordPress admin login details at [email protected] so we can make changes in header.php file to solve your problem quickly.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Johann,
You are most Welcome.
Thanks for creating this beautiful website sing Business Web WordPress Theme. We have listed your website in our site showcase
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any support. Our support team is always ready to help you with any problems of customization.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Victor,
Please check the documentation to customize the theme
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Johann,
To remove the blog date and comments from Recents Posts section of homepage
Go to the Appearance -> Editor -> inc/custom-functions.php
at line no. 380 find below code and simply delete that code
<span>'.get_the_date('F j, Y').' | Comments '.get_comments_number().'</span>
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
You can download the zipped file of BizGrowth theme by log in to My Account
After activating the PRO theme on your WordPress site.
Go to Appearance >> Theme Options >> Click on Restore Default buttonTo customize the theme Go to Appearance >> Theme Options
Please check the documentation to install and customize the theme
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Pejhmon
The new version 4.7 of Font Awesome is released. The 41 shiny new icons in version 4.7 are added including “fa-bath” and “fa-shower” icons.
So the Fonts icons package file needs to be updated on BizGrowth theme. We are updating our theme to support new icons and we will provide you new updated theme via email.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Pejhmon
Please send WordPress admin login details of your website at [email protected] for temporary so we can check and solve problem regarding font-awesome icons.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
The contact from and testimonial widgets are by default is displaying on main sidebar.
To remove the testimonial from the main right sidebar
Go to the Appearance -> Widgets -> Sidebar MainDrag the Text widget and enter title ‘Contact Form’ and in content put below short code
[contactform to_email=”[email protected]” title=”Contact Form”]
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Tristan,
Thanks for your order.
To install the PRO theme
Go to the menu Appearance > Themes and click on Add New button.
Click on Upload Theme button.
Look for a file called Click on it to select, then click OK.
Click on Install Now button and wait until the installation is complete.
Click on Activate link to activate the theme on your WordPress site.
After activating Go to Appearance >> Theme Options >> click on Restore Default.Please check the documentation sill getting problem, please send your website URL and WordPress admin login details at [email protected]
We will check and install PRO theme on your website so you can theme customize it.Regards
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Tristan,
It seems that you have downloaded and using our Businessweb Plus theme.
The Businessweb Plus is a free WordPress theme that using the WordPress customizer.
To customize the free theme Go to Appearance -> CustomizePlease check the documentation for free theme PRO version of Businessweb Plus contains lots of sections in home page for creating beautiful and professional website. The BizWeb PRO theme is built in more user friendly Theme Options panel. You need to purchase the PRO theme in order to get Theme Options.
PRO Theme :
Grace Themes -