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Sports Club Pro – Logo

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  • #23880

    I was wondering if I could have some guidance on the logo I am using for the Sports Club Pro theme? Is there a recommended image size ?x? pixels…

    There is a lot of white space to the left of my logo and I was wondering how I could get that sat further to the left hand edge of the page which would also allow for more space for the navigation menu along the top.

    For reference our website is https://www.aceswbc.com

    Grace Support


    You can use any size of logo image. You can adjust the logo image height from Basic Settings.

    To reduce the space around the menu
    Go to the Appearance -> Editor -> style.css
    add below css code at the end of file

    .sitenav ul li a { padding: 10px 10px; }
    .logo { padding: 10px 0; }

    Grace Themes


    I added this code and it had no effect? There is still a lot of white space to the left of the logo (between the edge of the screen and logo)

    Grace Support

    It is not possible to remove the white space to the left of the logo image.

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