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Slider blank lines and to short text

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  • #1068
    Iztok Jamnik


    I’ve installed a free version of your theme.

    1. I’ve problem that before and after the text in a slider there is an empty line (empty p tag).

    You can see it on http://www.zasluzim.si/.

    2. On your demo page you have bold text in a first row in a slider. How can I do that?

    3. The text in the second row (the content of the page) of a slider in my theme can be very short – see first slide on my page – this is the max number of characters that can be shown. How can I show more characters?

    Thank you in advance


    Grace Themes

    Hi Iztok,

    Please send WordPress admin login details of your website at [email protected]
    so we can check your site and solve the problems.

    Grace Themes


    I have exactly the same problems, could you solve it?

    Grace Themes

    Hi Andreas,

    To remove the empty line before and after the slider description

    Go to Appearance -> Editor -> header.php file

    at line no. 69 you will find the below code

    <p><?php echo wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), 20, '' ); ?></p>

    just need to remove p tag like below

    <?php echo wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), 20, '' ); ?>

    Also to make the homepage slider auto rotate

    Open js/jquery.nivo.slider.js file
    at line no. 22 set stop: false

    Please do this changes and let me know your feedback.

    If you find any difficulty please send WordPress admin login details of your website at [email protected] so we can check your site and solve the problems.

    Grace Themes



    I don’t have the code that you mention, for me the line looks like this:

    $content = apply_filters(‘the_content’, substr(strip_tags($post->post_content), 0, 100));

    which explains, why the line is truncated after exactly 100 characters.

    Why aren’t you using https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_the_excerpt?

    Grace Themes


    The slider in your website http://youlius-award.de/ is working fine and the empty line is not displaying.

    Please check.

    Grace Themes


    Yeah, I fixed it myself in the meantime, thanks for pointing me to the correct location.

    My header.php now uses this to display the first paragraph, max 200 characters, truncated at a word.

    $title = get_the_title( $id );
    $post = get_post($id);
    $content_long = apply_filters(‘the_content’, substr(strip_tags($post->post_content), 0, 400));
    $content = strtok(wordwrap($content_long, 200, “…\n”), “\n”);

    Grace Themes

    That’s Great.

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