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Slider blank lines and to short text

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  • #1068
    Iztok Jamnik


    I’ve installed a free version of your theme.

    1. I’ve problem that before and after the text in a slider there is an empty line (empty p tag).

    You can see it on

    2. On your demo page you have bold text in a first row in a slider. How can I do that?

    3. The text in the second row (the content of the page) of a slider in my theme can be very short – see first slide on my page – this is the max number of characters that can be shown. How can I show more characters?

    Thank you in advance


    Grace Themes

    Hi Iztok,

    Please send WordPress admin login details of your website at [email protected]
    so we can check your site and solve the problems.

    Grace Themes


    I have exactly the same problems, could you solve it?

    Grace Themes

    Hi Andreas,

    To remove the empty line before and after the slider description

    Go to Appearance -> Editor -> header.php file

    at line no. 69 you will find the below code

    <p><?php echo wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), 20, '' ); ?></p>

    just need to remove p tag like below

    <?php echo wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), 20, '' ); ?>

    Also to make the homepage slider auto rotate

    Open js/jquery.nivo.slider.js file
    at line no. 22 set stop: false

    Please do this changes and let me know your feedback.

    If you find any difficulty please send WordPress admin login details of your website at [email protected] so we can check your site and solve the problems.

    Grace Themes



    I don’t have the code that you mention, for me the line looks like this:

    $content = apply_filters(‘the_content’, substr(strip_tags($post->post_content), 0, 100));

    which explains, why the line is truncated after exactly 100 characters.

    Why aren’t you using

    Grace Themes


    The slider in your website is working fine and the empty line is not displaying.

    Please check.

    Grace Themes


    Yeah, I fixed it myself in the meantime, thanks for pointing me to the correct location.

    My header.php now uses this to display the first paragraph, max 200 characters, truncated at a word.

    $title = get_the_title( $id );
    $post = get_post($id);
    $content_long = apply_filters(‘the_content’, substr(strip_tags($post->post_content), 0, 400));
    $content = strtok(wordwrap($content_long, 200, “…\n”), “\n”);

    Grace Themes

    That’s Great.

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