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Sider not working

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  • #7211

    I am trying to build a website using ZeroError template, but the slider is not working. I only need one photo, with no text or link on it.

    Grace Themes

    Hi Nicholas,

    After activating the ZeroError theme, please setup homepage using following

    Go to Settings » Reading » Front page displays
    Click on radio button of Your latest posts
    Go to Appearance » Theme Options and click on Restore Defaults in bottom side

    To add image slides to homepage slider go to the Appearance » Theme Options » Homepage Slider

    To remove the text and button from homepage slider image
    go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Basic Settings -> Custom CSS
    add below css code in custom css box

    .nivo-caption { display:none !important; }

    Please check the documentation to customize the theme

    If still you are getting any problem, you can send your website URL and WordPress admin login details for temporary at [email protected] so we can check and assist you.

    Grace Themes

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