I am just starting getting the theme to fit my website and I really like it, however there are a few issues you can help me with. The website is http://www.paperbirdtek.com
1) On pages other than the home page and blog (news) page, there is a huge gap at the top of the page almost like there is supposed to be a slider there, how can I get rid of it?
2) The blog (news) page shows the slider, services and widgets, I can not figure out how to get rid of all that.
3) When widgets show up, I can not get rid of them. I go into WP control panel and there are NO widgets anywhere. If I add a widget to Sidebar main, your widgets (our skills & testimonials) disappears and mine appears (on the News page for example). If however I remove that widget or hide it using the Display Widgets plugin, yours show up on a page even when they are NOT in the Sidebar Main widget in the widgets area of the WP control panel.
4) Is there any way to enlarge the images for Top Four Services Columns Below the Slider slightly?
I am using slider revolution instead of your build in slider if that matters.