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"Our client" section doesn't work

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  • #5443

    I have a problem with my “Our client” section. It doesn’t appear on the homepage. Can you please tell me what i’m doing wrong?

    Grace Themes

    Hi Gerjanne

    To manage “Our client” section go to Appearance » Theme Options » Sections » Section 7

    To change clients logo image

    • First upload logo image from Media Library. Go to Media -> Add New
    • Copy full path of uploaded image
    • Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Sections -> Section 7
    • Add image URL in image=”” and link in link=”” like below
    • [client image=”http://….” link=”#”]

    If you are still getting any problem, please send your website URL and WordPress admin login details for temporary at [email protected] so we can check and assist you.

    Grace Themes

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