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Logo is showing as squished

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  • #20673
    Vicky Rowe

    Site is http://newbeginningsmanagement.com/testsite

    The logo is 350×168, and it is showing on the site as narrower than the image width. I have looked through the CSS, and can’t find where the logo width is declared. Where is the logo width set?

    Vicky Rowe

    Changing this line:
    .logo{float:left; text-align:left; width:25%; padding:15px 0;}
    pushes the menu down below the logo. I need the menu to stay inline with the logo, and there is plenty of space between the logo and the menu for this to work.

    Vicky Rowe

    Also, it looks horrible on phone. Site on phone

    Grace Themes

    The logo and header section is looking fine. Please check your website now by clearing the browser cache.
    Don’t add any css code in Custom CSS box

    Grace Themes

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