I changed out the images on the Join us section (first 2)
Now the Title does NOT display unless you hover over the image
I would like the title to show as in your default where the text title displays over the image and then on hover the entire section of text > title description and button display
Where is the setting to have the Title display like in the default?
Everything that I have for the shortcode is the same formatting as your sample
[subtitle size="16px" color="#535353" align="center" description="Nunc commodo lacinia ipsum, scelerisque cursus libero ullamcorper sed. Praesent fermentum nisl ac neque tristique porttitor. Sed lectus lacus, vestibulum at fermentum."]
[church_services title="Sisters" description="Donec in metus lecnteger vulpu." image="/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/photo0-1.jpg" button="Read More" link="/about-us-2"]
[church_services title="Associates" description="Donec in metus lecnteger vulpu." image="/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/sunset-1.jpeg" button="Read More" link="/blog-right-sidebar/associates"]
[church_services title="Mission Partners" description="Donec in metus lecnteger vulpu." image="/wp-content/themes/prayer-pro/images/services-image3.jpg" button="Read More" link="/partnerships"]
[church_services title="Prayers" description="Donec in metus lecnteger vulpu." image="/wp-content/themes/prayer-pro/images/services-image4.jpg" button="Read More" link="/prayers"]