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Dancing Star Pro – Wordpress short code not working

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  • #37643
    Lucius Douglas

    So in Elementor, I use the Shortcode widget with a post blog shortcode [display-posts cateogry=”instructors”].

    But all it displays on the page is “[display-posts category=”Instructors” ]”.

    In looking at the Template Options, it has it’s own shortcodes. So does this mean that NO Worepress shortcodes will work?

    Grace Support


    To display the Latest News section on the homepage
    Go to Appearance » Theme Options » Sections » Section 11

    Please check the documentation

    To display Latest Posts in the inner page

    – Create a page “News/Blog”
    – Add Title and select “Blog – Right Sidebar” page template from Page Attribute panel
    – Add this page in the main menu

    Please check the documentation

    You can also use this below shortcode in the inner pages

    [latest-news showposts="3" excerptlength="15" date="show" comment="hide"]

    Grace Themes

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