Reply To: Header image and custom logo height
Hi Andrei,
Thanks for using Bizweb WordPress theme and also thanks for your appreciation.
1) the ‘Header image’ doesn’t work in PRO theme.
If you want to use header image, please make some changes in header.php file and inc/custom-header.php file
Go to Appearance -> Editor -> inc/custom-header.php
at line no 38 you will find the
now just rename it with .header{
Go to Appearance -> Editor -> header.php
at line no 152, comment/remove the below code
//echo '<img src="'.esc_url( $header_image ).'" width="'.get_custom_header()->width.'" height="'.get_custom_header()->height.'" alt="" />';
2. To manage the logo height from Basic Settings
Go to Appearance -> Editor -> functions.php
after line no. 303 find below code
if( of_get_option('bodyfontsize',true) != ''){
echo "body{font-size:".of_get_option('bodyfontsize',true)."}";
Now add below code after the above code
if( of_get_option('logoheight', true) != ''){
echo ".logo img { height:".of_get_option('logoheight', true)."px;}";
Now Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Basic Settings -> Set Logo height -> and click on Save Options button
If you are finding any difficulties in doing this changes, please send your website URL and WordPress admin login details for temporary so we quickly can make changes in your website.
Please check and let me know your feedback.
Grace Themes