Reply To: Parallax effect on scrolling
To remove the parallax effects
Go to Appearance -> Editor -> index.php
at line no 61, you will find the below code
<section <?php if( $bgcolor || $bgimage || $hide) { ?>style="<?php echo ($bgcolor != '') ? 'background-color:'.$bgcolor.'; ' : '' ; echo ($bgimage != '') ? 'background-image:url('.$bgimage.'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: center top; background-attachment:fixed; background-size:cover; ' : '' ; echo ($hide) != false ? 'display:none;': ''; ?>"<?php } ?> id="<?php echo $secid; ?>" class="<?php echo ( of_get_option('menutitle'.$s, true) != '' ) ? 'menu_page' : '';?>">
Now just remove background-attachment:fixed;
The revised code is below
<section <?php if( $bgcolor || $bgimage || $hide) { ?>style="<?php echo ($bgcolor != '') ? 'background-color:'.$bgcolor.'; ' : '' ; echo ($bgimage != '') ? 'background-image:url('.$bgimage.'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: center top; background-size:cover; ' : '' ; echo ($hide) != false ? 'display:none;': ''; ?>"<?php } ?> id="<?php echo $secid; ?>" class="<?php echo ( of_get_option('menutitle'.$s, true) != '' ) ? 'menu_page' : '';?>">
If you are find any problem, you can send your WordPress admin login details for temporary at [email protected] so we can solve your problem.
Grace Themes