Reply To: Remove Side Bar?
nar’mind – in regards to the missing Editor – here’s what i found out.
So, i saw a post here that talked about a missing Editor – i too was having the same issue.
Turns out – if you’re using a managed hosting – a lot of times they do a ‘safe mode’ installation which removes the users ability to make changes at the code or css level.
for instance – my site was hosted on – no where in their verbiage do they say that they disable this – and when i called (which was quite the chore to find their number) i found that the plan i selected included a safe mode installation.
there are a few steps you can follow to ‘undo’ this – but you then have to make a few tweaks to the permalinks – then you’re good. so, just something to look for when dealing with these crazy wordpress issues we encounter sometimes.
Good luck dudes!!!
p.s. so sorry this isn’t in its own topic.