Reply To: Issues with Biz Growth Pro theme….
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your suggestions.
The BizGrowth Free theme is build in WordPress Customizer where as the PRO theme uses more user friendly Theme Options to customize the theme.
The free theme has very limited options to setup site. Using PRO theme you will need to use previously created pages and posts to create beautiful website.
1. We have used check boxes to disable/enable particular sections. Now it done by using the CSS code ‘display: none’ which is wrong. We will update the theme by applying conditions to hide/show sections.
2. We have not tested our themes as child-theme. So please use PRO theme as it is. You can use this theme on unlimited domain.
3. Please tell us which columns you want to use in footer section.
4. The layout option is not available in Theme Options. Currently we are using wide layout. We will add this feature in our next themes.
5. Right sidebar is the default page layout for all pages. There are no option to set default sidebar. IF you want to use full width template with no sidebar as a default page layout, we can do this with small change in page.php file.
Please send list of changes and WordPress admin login details of your site at [email protected] so we can solve your problems.
Our support team is always ready to solve any kind of problem at any stage of your website development.
Grace Themes