Grace Themes
Forum Replies Created
Grace Themes
MemberHi Hung,
To display all team members in ‘Expert Teachers’ section
Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Sections -> Section 4
and use below short code (just need to increase no.)[our-team show=”10″]
To display all team members as a slider, it will need to change some code.
If you want to do so, please send your website URL and WordPress admin login details for temporary at [email protected] so we can check and make change to implement slider in team members section.Regards
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Chris,
To hide the homepage sections
Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Section -> Section 1 -> Hide Section
and check on checkbox to hide this section
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
Their is no option to show 8 pictures in ALL and 4 pictures in each categories.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberYes.! Use Full Width page template to display photo gallery in full page.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Edgar,
In this Mixitup Gallery script with show=”8″, it will display all 8 photos from each category in ‘All’ order by the last photo added (Descending order)
So if you have 3 categories and for each category you have added 4 pictures in the order like below
1. 4 photos added for first category
2. 4 photos added for second category
3. 4 photos added for third categoryIt will show all 8 photo initially and all 4 photos for third/second category, but for first category it will show empty (please note DESC order).
So please add photos one by one for each category.
You can also use Post Type Order Plugin to reorder the photos so each category will display some images.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Edgar
Thanks for pointing this issue.
We have just updated MilestoneZ theme to solve the issue of date.To display the correct date
Go to Appearance -> Editor -> custom-functions.php
at line no. 902 you will find the below code$post_date = '<div class="postdt"><span>'.get_the_date('m').'</span> '.get_the_date('M').'</div>';
Just need to replace this line with below code
$post_date = '<div class="postdt"><span>'.get_the_date('d').'</span> '.get_the_date('M').'</div>';
Grace ThemesJuly 28, 2017 at 7:39 am in reply to: Customize the "Add to cart" button on the page of a product with WooCommerce #5180Grace Themes
MemberHi Maria
To change ‘Add to cart’ labels in latest version WooCommerce 3.0+ you can use ‘WC Custom Add to Cart labels’ WordPress plugin. So you don’t need to add extra code in functions.php file
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Everest,
We don’t have any youtube video documentations.
Please check the online documentation to setup and customize the theme you are getting any problem, you can mail us contact on this support forum.
Our support team is always ready to help you for any kind of customization issue.Regards
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Jason,
You can use ‘Hide Title’ WordPress plugin plugin allows you to hide the title of a post or page.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
The option is not available to change the font of Editor.
Grace ThemesJuly 26, 2017 at 6:50 am in reply to: Customize the "Add to cart" button on the page of a product with WooCommerce #5160Grace Themes
MemberHi Maria,
Can you please write in details what problem you are getting so we can assist you?
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberYou are most Welcome 🙂
Grace Themes
MemberHi Pradeep,
I have completed the changes in custom-functions.php file of your website to display categorized photo gallery.
I have added below code in inc/custom-functions.php file
For customized photo gallery use shortcode:
[photogallery_category filter=’true’ category_id=’5,6′]You just need to change the category_id
Set filter=’false’ to remove the filter//[photogallery_category] function photogallery_shortcode_category_func( $atts ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'show' => -1, 'category_id' => '', 'filter' => 'true' ), $atts ) ); $pfStr = ''; $categoryArray = explode(',', $category_id); $pfStr .= '<div class="photobooth">'; if( $filter == 'true' ){ $pfStr .= '<div class="filter-gallery"><ul class="portfoliofilter clearfix"><li><a class="selected" data-filter="*" href="#">'.of_get_option('galleryshowallbtn').'</a><span></span></li>'; $args = array( 'include' => $categoryArray ); $categories = get_terms( 'gallerycategory', $args ); foreach ($categories as $category) { $pfStr .= '<li><a data-filter=".'.$category->slug.'" href="#">'.$category->name.'</a></li>'; } $pfStr .= '</ul></div><div class="clear"></div>'; } $pfStr .= '<div class="row fivecol portfoliowrap"><div class="portfolio">'; $j=0; $args = array( 'post_type' => 'photogallery', 'posts_per_page' => $show, 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'gallerycategory', 'field' => 'ID', 'terms' => $categoryArray, 'operator' => 'IN' ), ) ); query_posts( $args ); if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); $j++; $videoUrl = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'video_file_url', true); $imgSrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'full'); $terms = wp_get_post_terms( get_the_ID(), 'gallerycategory', array("fields" => "all")); $slugAr = array(); foreach( $terms as $tv ){ $slugAr[] = $tv->slug; } if ( $imgSrc[0]!='' ) { $imgUrl = $imgSrc[0]; }else{ $imgUrl = get_template_directory_uri().'/images/img_404.png'; } $pfStr .= '<div class="entry '.implode(' ', $slugAr).'"><div class="holderwrap"> <a href="'.( ($videoUrl) ? $videoUrl : $imgSrc[0] ).'" data-rel="prettyPhoto[bkpGallery]"><img src="'.$imgSrc[0].'"/></a> </div></div>'; unset( $slugAr ); endwhile; else: $pfStr .= '<p>Sorry, photo gallery is empty.</p>'; endif; wp_reset_query(); $pfStr .= '</div></div>'; $pfStr .= '</div>'; return $pfStr; } add_shortcode( 'photogallery_category', 'photogallery_shortcode_category_func' );
Grace Themes
MemberHi Pradeep,
I have completed the changes in custom-functions.php file of your website to display categorized photo gallery.
I have added below code in inc/custom-functions.php file
For customized photo gallery use shortcode:
[photogallery_category filter=’true’ category_id=’5,6′]You just need to change the category_id
/[photogallery_category] function photogallery_shortcode_category_func( $atts ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'show' => -1, 'category_id' => '', 'filter' => 'true' ), $atts ) ); $pfStr = ''; $categoryArray = explode(',', $category_id); $pfStr .= '<div class="photobooth">'; if( $filter == 'true' ){ $pfStr .= '<div class="filter-gallery"><ul class="portfoliofilter clearfix"><li><a class="selected" data-filter="*" href="#">'.of_get_option('galleryshowallbtn').'</a><span></span></li>'; $args = array( 'include' => $categoryArray ); $categories = get_terms( 'gallerycategory', $args ); foreach ($categories as $category) { $pfStr .= '<li><a data-filter=".'.$category->slug.'" href="#">'.$category->name.'</a></li>'; } $pfStr .= '</ul></div><div class="clear"></div>'; } $pfStr .= '<div class="row fivecol portfoliowrap"><div class="portfolio">'; $j=0; $args = array( 'post_type' => 'photogallery', 'posts_per_page' => $show, 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'gallerycategory', 'field' => 'ID', 'terms' => $categoryArray, 'operator' => 'IN' ), ) ); query_posts( $args ); if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); $j++; $videoUrl = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'video_file_url', true); $imgSrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'full'); $terms = wp_get_post_terms( get_the_ID(), 'gallerycategory', array("fields" => "all")); $slugAr = array(); foreach( $terms as $tv ){ $slugAr[] = $tv->slug; } if ( $imgSrc[0]!='' ) { $imgUrl = $imgSrc[0]; }else{ $imgUrl = get_template_directory_uri().'/images/img_404.png'; } $pfStr .= '<div class="entry '.implode(' ', $slugAr).'"><div class="holderwrap"> <a href="'.( ($videoUrl) ? $videoUrl : $imgSrc[0] ).'" data-rel="prettyPhoto[bkpGallery]"><img src="'.$imgSrc[0].'"/></a> </div></div>'; unset( $slugAr ); endwhile; else: $pfStr .= '<p>Sorry, photo gallery is empty.</p>'; endif; wp_reset_query(); $pfStr .= '</div></div>'; $pfStr .= '</div>'; return $pfStr; } add_shortcode( 'photogallery_category', 'photogallery_shortcode_category_func' );
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi jason,
To display Fashion Expert Team member in center position
Go to Appearance -> Theme Option ->Basic Settings -> Custom CSS
and paste below css code in custom cs box.section-teammember { text-align: center; }
.team_column { float: none; }Regards
Grace Themes -