Grace Themes
Forum Replies Created
Grace Themes
MemberHi Johann,
The default image size for the homepage slider is 1400 × 550 pixels. Don’t use the different height images.
Please use all images of the same size for homepage slider.Regards
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
To increase the line height of blog post title
Go to the Appearance -> Theme Options -> Basic Settings -> Custom CSS
and use below css code in custom css boxh1.entry-title, { line-height: 32px; }
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Leviathan,
Currently the option for full width of the single team members is not available.
Please send your website URL and WordPress admin login details for temporary at [email protected] so we can customize the code to display team member details in full width without sidebar.Regards
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Marisol,
To disable the homepage slider
Go to the Appearance -> Theme options -> Basic Settings -> Custom CSS
and use below css code in custom css box.slider-main { display:none; } .header { position: relative }
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Sven,
This theme is ready for translation and it supports multiple languages.
The qTranslate X WordPress plugin offers a way to maintain dynamic multilingual content on a WordPress site.Please install qTranslate X WordPress plugin and use this code for making text translation ready – [:en]English Text[:de]Deutsch Text[:]
To translate the Homepage Slider Text
Go to the Appearance -> Theme Options -> Homepage Slider -> Slider Image 1
and use below language translate code in slider image Title 1[:en]Theme is ready for translation[:de]Thema is klaar voor de vertaling[:]
Please check the documentation
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Yasmina,
Please setup the homepage sections using following
Go to Settings -> Reading -> Front page displays
Click on radio button of Your latest postsPlease check the documentation you are still getting problem, you can send WordPress admin login details of your website for temporary at [email protected] so we can solve your problem quickly.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
The issue has been solve in the welcome page section of homepage.
I have changed the code to display page content without excerpt.Regards
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Matthew
Can you please send your website URL and WordPress admin login details for temporary at [email protected] so we can check and solve your problem.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Billi
You can’t use the custom images in ‘Our Theme Featured’ section.
Kindly use the icons from Font AwesomeRegards
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Billi,
To solve your issue regarding the logo image
Go to the Appearance -> Theme options -> Basic Settings -> Custom CSS
and use below css code in custom css box@media screen and (max-width:767px) { .logo img{ height:auto !important} } .header span.tagline { display: none; }
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Svend,
Can you please send your website URL and WordPress admin login details for temporary at [email protected] so we can check and solve your problem.
Please check the documentation to setup and customize the sections.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Chris,
Please clear your browser cache or check in private/incognito window.
If still getting problem please send your website URL and WordPress admin login details for temporary at [email protected] so we can check and solve your problem quickly.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Gnanadoss,
To display Photo Galley for single category use below code at the end of custom_function.php file
And use this shortcode
[photo-category category_id=”9″ show=”20″]
(change the category id to show images of that category)//Photo Galley for single category: [photo-category category_id="5" show="20"] function photo_category_shortcode_func( $atts ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'show' => '', 'category_id' => '', 'filter' => 'false' ), $atts ) ); $pfStr = ''; $pfStr .= '<div class="photobooth">'; $pfStr .= '<div class="row fivecol portfoliowrap"><div class="portfolio">'; $j=0; $args = array( 'post_type' => 'photogallery', 'order' => 'asc', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'gallerycategory', 'field' => 'ID', 'terms' => $category_id ), ) ); query_posts( $args ); if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); $j++; $videoUrl = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'video_file_url', true); $imgSrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'full'); $terms = wp_get_post_terms( get_the_ID(), 'gallerycategory', array("fields" => "all")); $slugAr = array(); foreach( $terms as $tv ){ $slugAr[] = $tv->slug; } if ( $imgSrc[0]!='' ) { $imgUrl = $imgSrc[0]; }else{ $imgUrl = get_template_directory_uri().'/images/img_404.png'; } $pfStr .= '<div class="entry '.implode(' ', $slugAr).'"><div class="holderwrap"> <a href="'.( ($videoUrl) ? $videoUrl : $imgSrc[0] ).'" data-rel="prettyPhoto[bkpGallery]"><img src="'.$imgSrc[0].'"/></a> </div></div>'; unset( $slugAr ); endwhile; else: $pfStr .= '<p>Sorry, photo gallery is empty.</p>'; endif; wp_reset_query(); $pfStr .= '</div></div>'; $pfStr .= '</div>'; return $pfStr; } add_shortcode( 'photo-category', 'photo_category_shortcode_func' );
Grace Themes
MemberHi Stefan,
You can use ‘Really Simple SSL’ WordPress plugin to switch from http to https use this plugin if you have installed SSL certificate on your site and HTTPS is working correctly.
Grace ThemesGrace Themes
MemberHi Chris,
If you want to move the Background Image on scroll
Go to the Appearance -> Theme Options -> Basic Settings -> Custom CSS
and use below css code in custom css box#advfeatured, #skillwrap, #testimonialswrap { background-attachment:scroll !important; }
Grace Themes -