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inner banner

header on every page

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  • #6993
    Frits Toorians

    How can i remove the header on very page (in full width)?

    Grace Themes


    Can you please write in details what problem you are getting?

    Do you want to remove innerpage header image?

    Please send your website URL and some screenshot on [email protected] to figure out the issues so we can check and assist you.

    Grace Themes

    Frits Toorians

    Every innerpage shows the name of the subject/pagename. I want delete that on Each page. Where in the code i can delete this?

    Grace Themes

    Hi Frits,

    To delete the pagename/heading from each page

    Go to Appearance -> Editor -> style.css
    add below css code at the end of file

    h1.entry-title, { display: none; }

    Grace Themes

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