In the footer, is there any way to choose which sections show up? I see that if you change the number of columns, sections start dropping off but I’d like to be able to choose which sections show up and which don’t. I’d like to remove the Useful Links, at a minimum, and maybe the latest Posts, but still have the Donations section.
I realize that you have the option of choosing how many footer sections to display. However, when I change from 4 to 3 to 2 to 1 it just deletes one section at a time, in order. I want to be able to leave out the Useful links and Latest Posts sections, which are in the middle of the 4 footer sections. Is there a way to do that?
I was able to accomplish what I wanted by a combination of theme footer options and footer widgets. In the theme footer options I chose to have 4 footer sections. I then went into the widgets and for the footer widget 2 I added a text widget with a title of Useful Links and added the links I wanted to use in the text box. For footer widget 3, I added a text widget with no title and a few space characters as the “text” in the text box. This resulted in an empty column being displayed.