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Reply To: Online Consulting ProVersion: pro 1.1 – Section not appearing properly

Lucius Douglas

Again, as the warden said in “Cool Hand Luke”, what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Yes, I know that the Post Type Order plugin changes the order of your 3 box section on the Online Consulting ProVersion: pro 1.1 theme.

What I’m trying to impress on support is that this is a ‘terrible’ way to handle this. Themes shouldn’t use default WordPress functions just because of this potential conflict with plugins.

Your development team should change this to an array inside the theme settings. I have resisted reverse engineering any companies themes as that just brings in another level of hassle when logic should dictate how theme order is handled.

Let’s stop this thread right here. I won’t respond but I ‘highly’ encourage that your theme developers read this thread. I do like your themes and have purchased the lifetime package. But I will point out issues that shouldn’t be occurring such as this one.
