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Reply To: The Church – Change link text color

Anthony Miller

This is the block that is causing the problem, so I copied it, inserted it with a color:#red !important override. It doesn’t work. This block seems to be taking the highest priority. Why is this and how can I override it?

a, .fourpagebox:hover h3, .cntbutton, .offcontnt .pricedv, .contactdetail a:hover, .counterlist p.price, .counterlist .days .fa, .slide_toggle a, .becomeamodel h2 span, .themefeatures .one_fourth:hover h4, .news-box:hover a, #sidebar ul li a:hover, .member-social-icon a:hover, .teammember-content span, .pluginbox h6 a:hover, .sevbx i:hover, h3.post-title a:hover, .welcome_titlecolumn h3 span, .pagecontent span, .woocommerce table.shop_table th, .woocommerce-page table.shop_table th, #clienttestiminials h6 a, ul.pricing li .price cite, ul.portfoliofilter li a.selected, ul.portfoliofilter li a:hover, ul.portfoliofilter li:hover a, .woocommerce ul.products li.product h2:hover, .woocommerce div.product p.price, .woocommerce div.product span.price, .menu-title span, .plans.has-popular .plan-box.popular-plan .plan-button a, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .price, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .price ins {
color: #red !important;