Reply To: fa-icon in wrapsecond
To setup one_fourth or one_half column of section
Go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Basic Settings
and in Custom CSS box use below css code
.services-wrap .one_half .fa{ background-color:#A8B1B8; color:#fff; padding:30px; font-size:40px; float:left; margin:0 20px 30px 0;}
.services-wrap .one_half:hover .fa{ background-color:#8eae0e; color:#fff;}
.services-wrap .one_half:hover h4{ color:#8eae0e;}
.services-wrap .one_fourth .fa{ background-color:#A8B1B8; color:#fff; padding:30px; font-size:40px; float:left; margin:0 20px 30px 0;}
.services-wrap .one_fourth:hover .fa{ background-color:#8eae0e; color:#fff;}
.services-wrap .one_fourth:hover h4{ color:#8eae0e;}
If still getting any problem in customizing the theme, you can send WordPress admin login details of your site at [email protected] so we can solve your problem.
Grace Themes