WordPress Website Templates

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inner banner

Reply To: Customizing Home Page Features

Grace Themes


To solve this issue

Go to Appearance -> Editor -> style.css

and use below css code at the end of style.css file

.services-wrap .one_third { text-align:center; margin-bottom:0;}
.services-wrap .one_third .fa{ background-color:#A8B1B8; color:#fff; padding:35px; font-size:50px; border-radius:50%;}
.services-wrap .one_third h4{ margin:15px 0;}
.services-wrap .one_third:hover .fa{ background-color:#5095CE; color:#fff;}
.services-wrap .one_third:hover h4{ color:#5095CE;}
.services-wrap .one_third a.rdmore{ color:#78797c; margin-top:25px; display:inline-block; padding:8px 20px; border:1px solid #A8B1B8;  border-radius:20px;}
.services-wrap .one_third:hover a.rdmore{ border-color:#5095CE; color:#5095CE;}

Grace Themes