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Reply To: Social Care Pro, Feature request to add Alt text to Home Page images

Phil Huhn


When are you expecting the next theme update?

I have two more updates to header.php. I believe I found a shortcoming in header.php, per the homepage slider. On line 160, the images are displayed as follows:

$n++; ?><img src="<?php echo esc_url($sv['image_src']); ?>" alt="<?php echo esc_attr($sv['image_title']);?>" title="<?php echo '#slidecaption'.$n ; ?>"/><?php

Notice that the alt text is assigned a value, but that value is never created. I created it, around line 149, as follows:

 $slAr[$m]['image_url'] = of_get_option('slidelink'.$i, true);
 $slAr[$m]['image_title'] = of_get_option('slidetitle'.$i, true);

Additionally in header.php to add alt text for the logo, I changed line 64 as follows:

<a href="<?php echo home_url('/'); ?>"><img src="<?php echo esc_url( of_get_option( 'logo', true )); ?>" alt="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> Logo" /></a>

Finally don’t forget to informed me when you expecting the next theme update?
