Reply To: Home Page Slider
ah – it’s in the slider tab settings – okay – cool.
something you should be aware of – currently i have the slider disabled – and it works fine everywhere – except IE 11 – because as it turns out – IE 11 seems to render the slider location – no images but the ‘space’. see attached image.
the only way i’m going to be able to make it work work is by remove the slider code in the code entirely – i’m just curious if it will impact the theme options area. obviously i’d just comment out the code – i just don’t know how the white space will be impacted.
i’ve included screen shots to show the slider on the right and how it renders in IE 11. any thoughts for ya? btw – i’m really under the gun and have to have this completed by 6pm today! i know that doesn’t impact you – but it does me! 🙂