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WordPress SEO Techniques to Push Up Search Rankings Significantly

Search engines judge the quality of websites by assessing their search engine friendliness for which you must optimize WordPress websites to make it lovable to search engines.

Search engines are more interested in the keywords you use, the quality of content, alt tags, file names and much more rather than looking at the aesthetics and visual appeal.

Therefore, you must pay attention to optimizing websites to increase its visibility that would attract search engines. Unless search engines easily find out your site when looking for answers to search queries, you will never earn good ranks.

The better you understand what search engines expect from websites, the easier it will be for you to beat the competition and earn higher ranks in search results.

Although gaining high ranking is the goal of all websites for which optimizing websites is a basic requirement, you must be careful not to get carried away because trying too hard can often result in failure.

Keep your efforts within reasonable limits and work with an open mind and good understanding of WordPress features so that you keep things simple and efficient.

Know about the tips and tricks from the experts at the SEO company Dragon Results Media that can make a huge difference in the results. Read on to know how to implement the best SEO practices to go ahead in the race for earning higher ranks.

  1. Create permalinks

    Permalink is the other name for URL that defines the identity of web pages and posts. Every web page and post has a URL that shows on the address bar of viewers who would like to get a hint from it about what likely to expect once they click it open.

    When viewers can figure out what lies beneath the link, it saves enormous time and enhances their user experience. The same applies to search engines when they index websites.

    As website owners have the dual responsibility of creating websites that both viewers and search engines would like, take advantage of WordPress that allow the creation of permalinks by inserting keywords into it.

    By using the permalinks, you can control the URL structure of your pages and posts as it influences how contents rank during searches.

  2. Have a site map of your website

    You must take measures to tell Google about the structure of your site that may contain several pages.

    Telling Google in advance about your site is like guiding search engines to the right places of your website so that the important things do not escape the attention of search engines during indexing.

    The easiest way of achieving it is by providing a site map of your website that guides Google through the website and navigates it to the right places.

    For better indexing of your site, use Google XML site maps plugin of WordPress to generate site maps automatically.

  3. Use search engine optimized themes

    The biggest strength of WordPress is the huge assortment of themes that gives a solid foundation to websites. While the themes might look excellent, you must make sure that they are completely compatible for SEO.

    SEO optimized themes ensure that it is in line with the current best SEO practices and it will be easy for the search engine bots to find its way to the appropriate code by wading through the source code.

    After choosing the appropriate theme that has a clean and neat structure that employs proper and valid HTML, use the correct canonical URL Meta tag and appropriate headings and Meta title tags. Do not forget to include open graph Meta tag for improving social media sharing.

  4. Optimize your media

    Optimizing the media, which is crucial for websites, is one of the most important tasks that you must perform.

    Doing it incorrectly can have serious consequences on your online existence. Keeping image searches in mind, you must tag and name images in the right way so that it enhances SEO, it helps to rank well in image searches.

    Take advantage of the WordPress features to create a great title, add a small caption, description, and alt text.

  5. Focus on sharing content

    For attracting more traffic, you must do much more than relying on organic searches for driving traffic to the website.

    You must make full use of the social media, which has now started behaving almost as if search engines and has a very high capability of driving traffic to websites.

    Catapult your site on the social media to gain wider exposure and build relationships that give high returns in terms of conversion.

    Provide social media buttons on the website for enabling viewers to swap between the media at will. As users would share content on the social media, your website gains higher credibility that leads to improved rankings in search results.

  6. Use SEO plugins

    For accomplishing the best SEO practices, use WordPress SEO plugins that give more flexibility and strength to your SEO efforts as it allows adding desired information automatically.

    There is no need to add site maps, Meta descriptions or any other important SEO details manually as the plugins take care of it.

  7. Create high-quality content

    WordPress had started as a blogging platform and remains the most user-friendly content management system that allows easy creation of content.

    Just make sure that the content is valuable for viewers and relevant as it contains comprehensive information that is useful for them. T

    he content must be unique and original, and you have a massive scope of content syndication to maintain a steady flow of content that search engines would take note of when finalizing search rankings.

    Quality content would attract viewers who would find it interesting and share it with many others thereby giving it more exposure that pushes up search rankings.

By implementing the above techniques, you will give a big boost to your SEO efforts as these actions would work together to make your web page or post appear on the first page of search rankings.

Felix Hogg Author

Felix Hogg has earned a reputation for developing WordPress websites in minimum time. In his career spanning over twelve years, he had spent some time with the SEO Company Dragon Results Media. In his free time, he loves to share his knowledge on the subject.