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The Importance Of Branding For A Business: 10 Things You Should Know

Branding is not a good logo, a good tagline, and a good website.

It’s just a part of a successful branding strategy, but not all of it.

Companies nowadays rely heavily on branding strategies because they want to get ahead of their competitors RIGHT NOW.

They don’t have the patience to wait a decade and build customer trust slowly and steadily.

With more and more millennial audiences entering the market, companies also think like them. We understand if the idea of branding seems elusive to you right now, and we, at Percept, are here to help you.

So, if you want to get some cool branding tips, make sure you get in touch with us.

Now, let’s focus on what branding is and why your business needs to focus on it.

What Is Branding?

‘Branding is the Art of becoming Knowable, Likable, and Trustable.’

We know that it is one marketing concept that is vague and can be confusing occasionally, which is why we have explained it in the most artistic way possible to get through your creative minds.

Branding means the idea people have about your company or your products in mind. But, you can’t achieve good branding overnight.

It takes rigorous market research, a good website design, some skilled marketers who can anticipate customer behaviors and adjust their campaigns, etc.

You may sell the same products like many others in the market, but if you make your product a brand, no one can imitate it.

Why Is Branding Important For Your Business

The objective of branding is to attract more customers and improve your sales.

Sounds simple, right?

But there are many other factors to consider to figure out the importance of branding in a business. So, without further ado, let’s get on with it.

  1. Increases Your Revenue

    The sole purpose of a branding design is to generate revenue. Without ROI, everything is meaningless.

    You cannot run a business if you don’t have the finance to manage your employees or hire more talents.

    This is where branding comes to play.

    Once your company becomes a brand, it doesn’t have to try harder to sell a product. Instead, people will keep buying it and recommending it to others, which means your sales funnel will never collapse.

  2. Creates Loyal Customers

    ‘A Brand is a Reason to Choose.’

    If the brand designers have done a good job, they will have a loyal set of customers who will support the brand through good and bad times.

    Earning customer loyalty is a big deal. Companies spend years earning it, but if you do the branding right, you can earn their trust in no time.

    As long as you have loyal customers, your company exists.

  3. Distinguishes From Competitors

    It’s hard for a company to cut through the marketing noise and establish a place of its own amidst the chaos.

    However, people are more attached to companies that are brands, and even if they cost more than the average products in the market, they know it’s worth every penny.

    It’s the design branding that makes a brand affordable to all or makes it premium for higher-income people. But, whatever it does, it can make you stand out in the crowd, and that’s what every company wants: to be distinguishable.

  4. Improves Your Advertising

    If the brand designers do a good job, your marketing and advertising efforts will follow suit.

    Only if you have a strong brand can you figure out what to say to your customers or how to say it. Your marketing and advertising approaches need to be strategic enough so that you can expect a return on your investment.

    If you don’t have a strong brand, thousands of dollars of advertising may fail, which opens the route to bankruptcy.

    If you want to steer clear of such risks, make sure you build a brand with your company.

  5. Extends Your Reach

    The whole world is filled with customers, but you cannot target them unless you have a strong branding approach.

    Suppose you are a diaper brand in the U.S., and you want to explore the Indian market. Why will the Indian customers spend money on your product if they don’t know anything about you?

    This is where branding comes to the rescue.

    Only if you build a strong brand and then market your product to overseas shores, can you capture more customers’ attention and expand your reach.

  6. Engages Employees

    Branding is not all about customers and competitors. It also works well for your employee retention paradigm.

    Everyone wants to associate their career with good brands, which is why companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple have such good employee retention rates.

    It means if you have a strong brand voice, you can engage more of your employees. They can all brainstorm new ideas to enhance your branding approach, which is something all of us want and need.

  7. Attracts Top Talent

    Not all people are good at their jobs.

    Some are merely there to satisfy some of your business needs, while some are ready to walk the extra mile for your company’s benefit.

    You want to hire these people who are ready to walk the extra mile.


    Nothing works better than a good branding design in terms of attracting the top talent.

  8. Clarifies Your Focus

    Be it a new start-up or an age-old corporation, companies may lose focus on their core operational objectives from time to time.

    It is during these times that their confidence suffers, and their sales margin collapses.

    Products are created in the Factory, but Brands are built in Mind. So, when your company goes through a tough time, you don’t need to upgrade your product standards.

    Rather, you need to take a step back and rethink your vision, mission, goals, and objectives. Then, when your branding design is right, you don’t take much time getting the focus back and coming back on track.

  9. Builds Consistency

    A good design branding sets the foundation of a successful business. You cannot be successful until you deliver what you promised and be consistent about it.

    Branding helps you solidify your commitment to being consistent and makes customers relate to it more.

    Just imagine if a company keeps changing its logo every year or a company targeting different audience groups every month; how will it retain the revenue?

    It won’t, and so branding is effective to make your company stay on a consistent path.

  10. Builds An Asset

    Sales, Growth, and Expansion—are the three parameters that make a company an asset and increase its financial valuation.

    Only a strong brand voice can accomplish all of these objectives. They know who they are, what they do, how their employees and customers perceive them, and so on.

    Your company is important, but if you want others to think of it as important too, you must work on your branding story and be a killer at it.

Unfold The Story SLOWLY!

There you go.

Branding is all about telling your company’s story in a way that attracts people and provokes them to be a part of your journey.

You may not have realized it until now, but branding is the stepping stone of a successful firm, and you have to follow its best practices if you want to stay in the market for the long term.

So, apply the appropriate branding tips and see your company shine with time.