Reply To: Car Fix Theme Changes
1. The WordPress toolbar is displayed only when you login to WP admin panel.
2. To customize the main menu Go to Appearance >> Menu
3. To remove the homepage slider section
Go to the Appearance -> Editor -> style.css file
add below css code at the end of file
.slider-main { display: none; }
.site-header { position: relative; padding-bottom: 100px; }
4. To hide the homepage section
Go to the Appearance -> Theme Options -> Sections -> Section 1 -> Hide Section
5. To change the background color of the Car A/C Inspection section
Go to the Appearance -> Editor -> style.css file
add below css code
#section6 { background-color: #cccccc !important; }
You need to create a form and add its link for GetQuote button
6. To customize the footer section Go to the Appearance -> Theme Options -> Footer
Grace Themes