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Blog Name Generators – How to Find a Name for Your WordPress Blog

Blog Name Generators
Random generators of all sorts are fun to play around with. Input a few details about yourself as required, and you end up with a mash-up of words and ideas that can be crazy, hilarious, ridiculous, and — sometimes — perfect for your needs.

There are generators for pretty much anything, including blog names. Run a Google search for “blog name generators” and you’re certain to come up with a few different options.

But do you really want to base your blog name on a random algorithm that doesn’t care about you or your blog?

Putting the Fun In Function

I admit it, I’ve used random generators in the past. At times, they can be a great source of inspiration.

But I also just tested this one out (https://www.name-generator.org.uk/blog/), and it suggested that I name my blog “The Goofy, Oddball Blog.”

Now, not only is that a little too on-the-nose, it doesn’t even flow all that well. And while it might be memorable, it’s not for the right reasons.

Obviously, not all blog name generators are created equal. If you’re looking for a solid name to help you build your blog, random, funny names probably aren’t going to help much.

What’s In A Name?

In fact, the name you choose for your blog will heavily impact what your potential target audience thinks about you. After all, it’s a major part of the first impression that they form of your site, and plays into how memorable the site is.

Many blog name generators ask you for some input before they give you name options. They may ask questions such as the following:

  • What are you blogging about?
  • How would you describe your blog?
  • What is your name?
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • Who is your blog for?

Many of these questions want one-word answers, though sometimes they’ll allow you to input multiple words, and combine those to create your blog name options.

In order to make the most of the blog name generator you use, it’s a good idea to spend some time thinking about what the answers to those questions might be — for example, you’ll realize that while your blog might be both goofy and oddball, you probably don’t want those featured in the header, let alone your domain name.

Incidentally, your WordPress blog will allow you to choose a “domain” name (though the blog address will involve more than just that name if it’s a free account) and a longer name for your blog itself.

So you may want to put some thought into both of these, and decide if you want a shorter, more direct variant, or something totally different for your blog’s home address.

What Are You Blogging About?

Most blogs aren’t about just one thing. It’s really hard to sustain a blog with a single narrow topic.

Still, your blog will likely be built around that single narrow topic, and branch out to embrace similar or related subjects.

It’s up to you how you want to define the purpose and focus of your blog. You can choose to focus on that single starting subject, or open it up to others. With a more narrow focus, you run the risk of losing the interest of some potential readers and followers.

Your target audience should definitely be taken into account when it comes to naming your blog.

Describe Your Blog

If your blog was a person, what kind of person would it be?

This can be a fun exercise to do, actually. Would your blog be edgy? Nerdy? Professional? Fun? Quirky?

As a note, even if your blog is strictly professional and centers on your business, readers appreciate a touch of human nature.

That doesn’t mean that you have to make your blog name a bad pun, but it does mean that the personality of your blog should show through the name you choose.

This exercise is closely related to branding exercises, the sort of thing you would think about if you were creating a brand — because your blog is much like your own brand.

You can craft the personality, curate the content, create visuals, even design a logo for your blog — it’s all branding, because those things are what help you to connect to your readers.

The ability to distill your blog personality into a few words will help greatly when it comes to informing the options that a blog name generator gives you, not to mention helping you yourself when it’s time to choose a name.

Describe Yourself

Whether you’re running a professional company blog or a personal blog centered on your interests and hobbies, the content should reflect the personality behind it: yours.

This is true even if you’re hiring the actual content creation out to others. The content should still be true to the style and integrity of the blog, and it really does all come back to the person who starts and maintains it.

So it’s a good idea to know how you would describe yourself in a few words, too. You might be surprised how much those descriptors coincide with the description of your blog.

Type Of Name

You might also give a little thought to the type of blog name you’re looking for.

Do you prefer a single word, striking and dramatic?

How about a rambling, wordy blog name that makes the readers smile right from the get-go?

A dry but informative name?

Or one that takes a classic format, such as “The Diary of…” or “The Daily…”

Blog names that involve puns, that are based on your location, that include your name or penname, or that use famous quotations are also popular choices.

Whatever your preference, remember to keep your mind open as you go through your options.

Using Blog Name Generators

Now that you’ve done some thinking about what the name generators will ask you, it’s time to give them a try!

I definitely suggest that you try more than one. You never know when the exact right combination of words will inspire you.

  • Nameboy is “the oldest and most popular domain name generator in the world,” according to its main page. It asks for one or two keywords to generate possibilities.
  • Business Name Generator automatically applies industry filters, which could help you to pick a blog that really sounds like it belongs to your profession.
  • Domain Wheel offers “instant ideas” for blog and business names, based on keywords.
  • Panabee creates blog name possibilities based on your existing domain name, or on keywords for the content and focus of your blog.

Ultimately, your blog’s name is up to you. But it never hurts to get a little help when you’re searching for inspiration. Hopefully, these blog name generators and the tips listed here will lead you to the perfect name for your WordPress blog.

Alicia Rother Author

Alicia Rother is a freelance content strategist who works with small businesses and startups to boost their brand reach through creative content design and write-ups.