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Top Tips And Methods To Monetize A WordPress Blog In 2023

Monetizing WordPress is one of the experiences that I have liked the most to put into practice.

But as you can see, the world of WordPress blogging is pretty big. Actually, these days it’s not just about blogging anymore. WordPress is used to run a variety of sites for many different purposes, and blogging is just one of those purposes.

Indeed, WordPress has become the go-to solution when it comes to website management platforms in general. And this is nothing strange because let’s face it, WordPress is great.

Now when you are creating a WordPress site, there are two possible paths you can take:
You can start the site as a personal project and not worry about anything related to money, or
you can start the site to earn money (or customers).

When it comes to customers, they usually (though not always) have an idea of how they want to make money from your new site, usually offering a product, but when you are building a site for yourself, you literally have hundreds of possibilities.

Of course, in this post, I’m not going to list hundreds of possibilities. Instead, I’m going to focus on a handful of methods that seem to be the most flexible for monetizing WordPress.

Let’s see them.

1. Products

This is the most used way to make money from any WordPress site. If you own a product or are creating one right now, it will likely become the centerpiece of your site. However, creating a product is only the first part of the process. You also need to establish a way to deliver it to customers and, most importantly, charge them for it. Fortunately, there are a few shopping cart solutions available, like the most common one: WooCommerce. And when it comes to virtual content delivery, you can do it with one of the downloadable media plugins out there.

Of course, there is one more problem to consider when building your monetization structure: the issue of marketing and traffic. But this is not the topic here, so let’s get on with the raw methods.

Now, here is a set of the most popular types of products sold through WordPress:

The only tricky part about physical products is that they need to be delivered the traditional way, so what you’re doing is essentially running a traditional business with a WordPress site as one of the sales methods.

Some plugins to sell products with WordPress

2. Subscriptions and memberships (One of the best formulas to monetize WordPress)

We’ve talked about membership sites for a while now, so I’m not going to go into the details here (feel free to read my previous post for more information: How to Create a Membership Site in WordPress ).

However, let me say that subscriptions and memberships are becoming more and more popular these days for monetizing WordPress. One reason for this is that, in some cases, memberships are more profitable than products.

Membership is essentially a product, but it is not delivered through a one-time download. For example, when you have a tutorial package on a certain topic, you can deliver it as an e-book. But if you break the content down into smaller chunks and deliver it over time, you’ll make it more digestible.

Of course, this is not a smart way to trick people into paying more. This is just a marketing method to monetize WordPress, and you never know if someone will stick around long enough to pay you the full amount.

In the end, WordPress makes launching a membership site a breeze, as there are several great plugins to help you with that.

Here are some plugins to create subscriptions and memberships with WordPress:

3. Advertising

You will probably be surprised to see advertising so late. Advertising often seems like the holy grail of making money online for many people, where it is not actually the best approach for all sites. Don’t get me wrong, advertising works. It works brilliantly, as long as you have a popular site with a good amount of traffic. For most new blogs, however, seeing any significant ad revenue will take a long time. But let’s not be so pessimistic.

If you still want to monetize WordPress with some ads, you can do it in several different ways:

4. Services

Nobody said that you could only monetize a WordPress blog directly. There is also the other way. In this approach, you simply use a WordPress site as a way to notify people about the services you have to offer. This works great for designers, consultants, writers, and other freelancers. You don’t even need any additional plugins for this to work. However, there are some that can help you as an automatic budget generator. Simply create a WordPress page and put information about your services there (not forgetting the information on how to contact you).

5. Membership

Just to define affiliate marketing a bit: it is a way of making money in which you promote a certain product, and then you get commissions for the Referrals in sales. In some respects, affiliate marketing is quite similar to advertising. The simplest way is to display some banners or text ads on your site. Then if someone clicks on that ad and makes a purchase, you will get a commission.

In a more developed form of affiliate marketing, you can start posting product reviews or running additional promotions focused on the affiliate products you promote. This should give you an additional boost in sales.

Affiliate marketing is often a better solution than advertising some less popular, new, or specialized websites, as you don’t need as much traffic to make a healthy income. So, in short, it is a good method to monetize WordPress.

Some plugins to sell as an affiliate in WordPress

WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates
It’s one of the most powerful plugins to exploit Amazon affiliate marketing and monetize WordPress.

6. Sponsored posts/articles

This method of monetization works best for established sites. However, that doesn’t mean you must have a relatively large site. You just have to establish yourself within a niche. Niche audiences are often valuable to content publishers because they are very specific. This is why various companies like to pay for the ability to post a guest post on said site or pay the site owner to write a sponsored post.

The best way to inform people that there is a possibility to sponsor an article on your site is very similar to offering services: you only need a standard WordPress page and some information about the rules and their price. You can also put additional information in the sidebar (just a sentence or two, something like “Click here to sponsor a post”).

This summarizes my six main tips and methods for monetizing WordPress blog. Do you know of any others that look good on this list?

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