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The Best Link-Building Strategies for E-commerce

Link-Building Strategies
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is crucial for the success of your e-commerce business.

As of 2023, it is estimated that there are more than 26 million e-commerce websites. In order to compete or even just be on an equal footing with the other e-commerce websites, you need to be “seen” or to have your brand recognized.

The best way to achieve this is to have a higher rank in SERP ( Search Engine Results Pages). A higher rank means being listed at the top of the page giving your site a higher chance of being clicked. That is why certain keywords or phrases are actively used for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to bring about a higher SERP rank result.

Link building is also another SEO strategy that works magnificently for your e-commerce site. Search engine algorithms primarily base the relevance of your webpage on the number of links that it has. More links mean there is value in your content.

A backlink is a hyperlink in a website that points back to your website. Oftentimes, backlinks are used to refer to your site as the source of information or products. Using backlinks suggests to search engines that other sites are vouching for you. This creates visibility and credibility for your store.

On-Page Link-Building Strategies

You can start your link-building for e-commerce by optimizing your own website or store. This is easier to do since you are just linking pages on your own website or store.

Off-Page Link-Building Strategies

Link Building for e-commerce can also be achieved outside your webpage. This is by taking advantage of growing social media platforms.

Technical SEO and Link Building


Link Building for e-commerce is strategic and arduous. It requires patience and a lot of networking. But, the hard work does pay off. You gain a lot of benefits. They are proven efficient tools for increasing visibility and your sales.

The main takeaway in link building is to take advantage of the number of people you can reach through various social media platforms. Work on your content. High-quality content attracts these people to your website. Not only do you attract customers, but other industry players would also notice you. Your own network grows as you increase your backlinks.

SEO should always be a priority. You don’t want to have an orphan website with no links leading to it. You’ll be lost in the fold. Be up to date with the latest techniques and try it out for yourself. You need to up your game if you want to survive in the e-commerce industry.

The strategies provided aim to increase visibility and sales. But like any strategy, some can be successful and some might not. This doesn’t mean that you stop. You just need to redirect.

Focus on the goals you want to accomplish and improve on these strategies. Take a chance and you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish.

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