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How can you switch to a Paid WordPress Maintenance Plan?

Paid WordPress Maintenance Plan
A paid WordPress maintenance plan can prove to be of great help to your business for recurring revenue. Hence, if you are using a free WordPress maintenance plan, now is the time to upgrade to a paid WordPress maintenance plan to benefit your business.

Now, the question arises as to why you need a WordPress maintenance plan?

WordPress is one of the most popular website content management systems across the globe and is used by major brands & bloggers alike. As per research by W3Techs, WordPress is used by about 33.6% of all websites & accounts for roughly 60 percent of all sites with a known content management platform.

However, just creating up a WordPress website is not a ‘set and ignore’ it proposition. If you are making use of WordPress as a content management platform for your website, it is necessary that you have a Wordpress maintenance plan.

What benefits do you get with the paid WordPress maintenance plan?

When you hire a WordPress developer for outsourcing the WordPress maintenance exercises, it evacuates this heap of mind desensitizing week after week assignments from your plate. Also, it gives you the feeling of serenity that accompanies realizing your site is managed by WordPress experts that accomplish these things consistently.

How do you transition to a paid WordPress maintenance plan?

Now, if you are using the free WordPress maintenance plan, it is imperative that you switch to a paid WordPress maintenance plan to benefit your business. But, how do you do it? Don’t worry we have got you covered. Here are the steps that you may follow:


With these tips, you can have a smooth transition to a paid WordPress maintenance plan to increase the revenue of your business. Also, you can hire a top WordPress development company to help you in the process.

This offers you the stability to build a solid business and trust amongst the customers. A paid WordPress maintenance plan is quite a great way to do it. And if you are not, hopefully, this piece of article will surely get you there.

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