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Google Unveils Google-Extended – Enhancing Control Over Bard and Vertex AI with Robots.txt

In an ever-transforming digital landscape, Google has taken a significant leap toward enhancing web publishers autonomy by introducing Google-Extended, a novel “standalone product token.” The primary objective behind this launch is to provide web publishers with a newfound ability to regulate Bard and Vertex AI’s access to their website content, symbolizing Google’s commitment to transparency, choice, and control.

Google-Extended’s introduction is a significant development in the evolving relationship between AI technology and web publishers, emphasizing the importance of consent, control, and transparency in the digital landscape.

Before the launch of Google Extended, numerous websites had already exercised the option to block GPTBot, OpenAI’s web crawler, from accessing their content. Google’s latest offering allows website administrators to make well-informed decisions regarding their participation in enhancing Google’s AI products.


Google’s unveiling of Google-Extended represents a pivotal step towards bridging the gap between AI technology and web publishers. This move signifies Google’s commitment to providing website administrators greater autonomy, control, and transparency in regulating AI access to their content. It introduces a new era of collaboration, allowing web publishers to customize their engagement with AI models, which reflects the evolving landscape of data privacy and ethical AI development.

Integrating Google-Extended with robots.txt brings up discussions about existing mechanisms’ role in controlling AI access, with some advocating for more advanced solutions. The ethical considerations surrounding AI data usage are also in the spotlight, as this development prompts conversations about responsible AI training and content consent.

The ongoing evolution of Google-Extended and similar initiatives will likely lead to further refinements, best practices, and user education. As AI technology advances, empowering web publishers to make informed choices and exercise control over their data’s use in AI models is a testament to the ever-changing digital ecosystem. This initiative underscores the importance of trust, transparency, and ethical data practices in developing AI technology.

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