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Email Marketing Tips: 5 Ways to Make Email Work Better

Email Marketing Tips
Whether you are looking to sell products or bring traffic to your site, email marketing is the most effective marketing channel

Regardless of industry, size, and official position, everyone uses email.
It is considered the most used medium of communication with more than 3.9 billion active users.

While it’s true that email marketing is an old school method, people still use emails more than other marketing platforms.

How Are Your Email Campaigns?

Let’s face it; we all have received at least one email which we immediately deleted or marked as spam.

Have you ever sent an email to potential clients, and they didn’t respond? Well, it certainly was the case with me, and I kept wondering where my campaigns were going wrong. I soon realized that crafting effective sales emails requires more than just a catchy subject line—it’s about delivering real value and engaging content.

There can be many reasons that your email marketing may not be working. Maybe you are not able to grab your audience’s attention, or your strategy is not on point. Whatever it may be, you need to fix it as soon as you can.

Email Marketing Tips

Most people know the importance of email marketing, but the major problem is that many of them don’t know how to do it the right way.

In this post, you will learn powerful Email Management tips that work.

Let’s dive right in.

Tip # 1: Segmentation and Personalized Emails

According to a study, most marketers consider the segmentation of email lists and personalization of emails as the most effective tactics of email marketing.

Ask yourself, would you like a generic email, which is computerized, or you would like to read a personalized email.

I know that personalizing each email according to every customer is a tough job as there are plenty of other tasks on your list.

But when you properly segment your customers, then it becomes easier to customize your emails. Additionally, integrating a DKIM record generator ensures that your emails are authenticated and less likely to be marked as spam, further boosting the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

You can start with segmenting your customers on the bases of age, sex, location. These demographics will help you get started. And then customize your messages according to the audience. Your email content would be different for a retired official as compared to a teenager. You can customize based on customer needs as well and send them to send transactional emails to existing customers who make a purchase and welcome emails to new email leads.

If you want to segmentation and send personalized emails to your subscribers, I recommend you to use NotifyVisitors or EngageBay’s marketing automation software designed for this purpose.

When it comes to personalizing, address the prospect using their name and try to include something about the prospect that you can relate to. Another helpful tactic is to combine SMS with email and send SMS reminders about a special offer that you included in your personalized email campaign.

Tip # 2: Include a Cliffhanger in Your Subject Line

When you are able to engage your potential client with an appealing subject line & they open your email, half of your job is done.

Its human psychology that, elements of surprise catch our attention. They make us curious about something. Adding a cliffhanger can help you out. The term “Cliffhanger” is used for a dramatic ending of any serial, which leaves the audience in suspense. Using one in your email subject line would increase the surprise element in your email.

So how can you hook someone with an exciting subject?

Well, I love to travel, so I recently received an email with the subject, “The secret to a great vacation.”

As a travel lover, the subject aroused my curiosity, and I had to open that email. For example, if I would use a cliffhanger in the subject line of an email to promote a blog about email marketing tips, it would be something like, “ Skyrocket your sales with amazing email marketing tips,” or “ 5 Email marketing tips by Marketing gurus.” If you feel uninspired, you can use an email subject line generator to brainstorm the best opening lines and increase your email open rate.

Tip # 3: Keep it Short

Once you are done with the personalization of your email and have a catchy subject, then the foremost step is to keep your content reader-friendly. In order to do that, you must avoid flooding your email with too many details.

The worst mistake you can make is to include too much information as most people do not have the time to read long emails.

Let me share my experience; recently, I received an email from an online shopping website. The email only included the description of the offer and the CTA (Call to Action) button. The short and to-the-point email was easy to understand and took me seconds to read the email. I actually ended up visiting their website and buying some items.

Tip # 4: Include CTAs

Let me explain this with an example again. I received a highly engaging email a few days back. As soon as I finished the email, I instantly wanted to visit their website.

The sender was about to get a potential client, but he didn’t. Why?
I could not find any Call to Action button or link, so I bounced back.

So what happened here?

It’s simple; no one has time to search for you and then avail your services. Everyone wants ease.

You can add animated buttons to your emails or email survey platform, but they should be mobile friendly as well. It’s shameful to invest your time in crafting a wonderful email and then destroying it with one mistake.

Tip # 5: Split-Test Your Email

Email campaigns have always been a great way to market your business.
It may be possible that you have already built up clients, and it is easier to retain customers than it is to get new ones.

Remember, practice makes perfect. You have to practice, test, and then try again to get the best results.

This is why you have to run a split test when you are trying new techniques or formats for your email marketing campaigns.

The more patterns you will come across, the more you would be able to adjust your email strategy.

So, first, decide what you should test?

Before setting up a split testing, you must figure out what you want to test. This can comprise of more than one thing. But remember, it’s important to check one element at a time for accurate results.

What to Consider in Your Tests?

  1. From line
  2. Subject line
  3. Email content
  4. Call to action

Your call to action will have a direct effect on how many people buy your products. Similarly, the subject line will affect how many people open your email in the first place.

So how you can split test your emails?

You can set up a couple of variations of one email campaign and send it to a small percentage of your total recipients. So half of them will be be sent version A, and half of them will be sent version B. You can measure the success rate of your subject by checking the statistics of the most opened email statistics. Just make sure you’re sending to valid email addresses to keep your data clean and your engagement rates accurate.

If version A has more opened emails, it means your subject line is compelling enough to get the reader to click.

Remember no guesswork, pick what’s right.

Summing Up:

Many people believe email marketing campaigns as an old school method. It is valid to some extent because email marketing has been around for years. But, the truth is that only have understood to use it in the best way.

Remember your goal, keep your focus, and you will elevate your success rate via this amazing marketing channel.

Amos Struck Author

Amos is a publisher and entrepreneur in the stock imagery field. He is passionate about technology, marketing and visual imagery. Amos holds a keen interest in WordPress related news and articles.

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